Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Does the look of blogger matter for readers? It matters! You will find ways to improve the look of your blog!

I just customized my blogger layout and background. After designing the visual look by myself, I feel good about it. I feel more motivated to keep checked it, and look forward to others' visits. Is it awkward to feel in this way? I am afraid not. The visual features of a blogger indeed impress readers in a negative way and positive way.
 I just found  The 15 Best Design Blogs of 2013. You can check it out. Hope you will be inspired by those creative and nice blogs! 
Here comes a handwriting one!

Also, I recommend that you check this article out.

In this article, the blogger talks about how the design of his blog affects his blog traffic. Quote his sentences."I’ve received praise from readers and other bloggers about my blog design. I know for a fact that some people bookmark my blog specifically because of the design." 


  1. Thanks for the resources! I think the overall look of a blog is important. Not many people really consider how important color and font are in a blog. For the most part we are limited on options with free accounts, but, being visually appealing is important. The question becomes, "what is considered to be visually appealing?" That's going to be different for everyone. As an author, we need to step back and try to be as objective as possible. It can certainly make the difference in traffic flow. Keep it up!

    1. I actually like these kinds of rating tools. For example, in online discussions,
      I agree, we need to step back and try to be objective. And thank you for your encouragement. Even though we have limited hand at the design of the look. I will be more creative to make the look of blog more comfortable for readers.

  2. Hey, it is very interesting! I guess I was thinking too much about the look of my blog (particularly the use of fonts because I am crazy about typography). I agree with Josh that when it comes to taste, it's gonna be different for everyone. AND YES, there are only limited options when you use one of the templates from the blog services. Anyway, Josh also said that we have think about our readers. One think I always keep in mind about the readers is readability, particularly when it comes to the use of font and colors.

    Very inspiring article you share there! Now, I am tempted to move beyond the basic templates and experimenting more! :D

    1. Hey, Nadia, thank you for your nice words. Glad that you like the article. I actually like the look of your blog very much. I will keep on checking the latest awesome look of your blog.
